Department Of Computer Engineering

Ms. Sujata B. Patil
Computer Engineering
HOD Message
Welcome to Department of Computer Engineering at Government Polytechnic Karad. Today’s Cyber world is mainly focusing on quality of education. Government Polytechnic Karad, being Polytechnic among rural areas of the country, we at Department of Computer Engineering continuously taking efforts for improvement and enhancement of quality in everyaspect of students in rural area.
Department of Computer Engineering at Government Polytechnic Karad is always committed to provide excellent technical education and promote academic freedom. The department promises and produces the under graduates with the program outcomes defined by Washington Accord by exercising Outcome-based education approach. The efforts are
consciously planned for overall development of student. This leads our students to become globally competent, innovative and dynamic.
Vision & Mission

Department Vision

Department Mission
2) Motivate students for ethical self-learning in order to solve real life- problems.
3) Develop leaders with entrepreneurship skills with sense of social responsibility.